S R M via marine cloud brightening is a valuable tool in the fight against climate change , Ships could be mounted with sea salt water nebulisers and ocean iron fertilization canons and share the the cost of deployment , Both technologies will have large impacts in the climate war , Please research both technologies

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Hi Pete. Isn’t the natural chemistry of ocean cloud nucleation using dimethyl sulphide emitted by phytoplankton? Have you looked at using (boosting) that ?

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Great point of interest the phytoplankton growth can be stimulated via ocean iron fertilisation

If the vessel was fitted with sea salt water nebulisers and ocean iron fertilisation canons they could share deployment cost and boost dimethal sulphide production creating even more clouds for SRM

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Interesting read - and glad to see RRAP and Dan Harrison's team getting some recognition. FYI - here is an article we had written centering the various activities underway around the Reef (and benefitting greatly from the generosity and openness of many RRAP researchers): https://journals.plos.org/climate/article?id=10.1371/journal.pclm.0000221

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